My favorite things are:
- Riding my bike...
- Listening to music...
- Reading books with my mom...
- Swimming at the YMCA...
- Playing with my polly pockets...
- I have a special bear his name is "Cousin Bear" I got him when I was in the hospital when I was 2
he is my favorite thing he goes where I go...
- My Favorite foods are corn chowder ... grapes ... candy of course!
- My favorite friend is my baby brother Josh. He has autsim just like me.
Some of the things I do that mom says scares her are:
- I run in the road without fear.. I ran one time and slipped
on ice and bumped off the bumper of a van coming to a stop... I was ok a bit scrapped up but I could have gotten hurt much
- I run in the parking lot at the malls and I am usually jumping out the
van before mom can get too me
- I climb to very high points
- I would like to touch the burner's on the stove I think that they are
such a pretty red
- When the fire alarm goes off .. it hurts my ears and I try to hide from
- I have walked off the edge of a pool..
- I have squatted motionless in front of a moving snow plow
with my hands over my ears.
- I have snuck out of the house in the middle of the night while it was
snowing very hard. In just a pair of crocs and pj's. When I was found 3 hours later I was very cold and didn't realize
it.We have alarms on our doors but i learnt how to shut them off while people are sleeping.
How The Dog Can Help Me
- He will be trained so if I wander from mom he will be able to help find me.
- He will be harnessed to me and is trained to not allow me to run into the road. But, I am taught
that I am harnessed to him to keep him safe!
- He is trained to interupt any behaviors such as flapping my hands when I get scared and he will love
me and calm me down with gentle nudges.
- He will help mom find me if I hide during a fire alarm.
- He will not allow me to climb to high points. He will Bark if he thinks I am in Danger. My
mom always watches me but sometimes if she is not looking I am sneaky.
- He will LOVE me unconditionally and I don't have to be anyone else but ME!